Event Update: Burnham Market International

Three Gorgeous Boys and One Pretty Princess.

Last week we loaded the lorry and headed East to Norfolk and the Barefoot Estates Burnham Market International.  It was to be a busy weekend with NANKIN DES RUETTES and LAWA entered in the CIC2*, CHARLES RR entered in the CIC3* and MISERDEN RAVELLO entered in the Novice.

NANKIN DES RUETTES did a good dressage test to score 49.0 and completed with speedy double clear finishing inside the Top 20 in the CIC2*!

LAWA jumped a great double clear inside the time to finish inside the Top 30 also in the CIC2*.  I was thrilled with how both of them ran, finishing in the top 25% of a huge, very competitive class!

CHARLES RR managed his flying changes in the CIC3* and jumped one of few clears inside the time in the show jumping. He was flying across the country, over a decent track, so I was absolutely gutted when we parted company two fences from home.  The bogey fence on the CIC3* track was the coffin complex at fence 21 and this was to be our bogey fence too.  I went left while Charlie went right after locking onto the 2* rail out of the coffin… such a silly mistake after a brilliant quick round. Both of us are none the worse… I just need longer legs!

MISERDEN RAVELLO did a good dressage test to score 31.0 and jumped a beautiful clear in the show jumping in the Novice…  We withdrew from the cross country and she will be saved for another day… much to her disgust!!

A huge HUGE thank you, as always, to my Super Grooms and Supporters this weekend; Laura for making sure the horses looked amazing all week, Mum, Barbara, Vicky, Andie (Lawa’s breeder), Tim, Sam and Rhian! Special mention to my super jump trainer and mentor Rhian Jones for coming up to Burnham … these four horses have now run 13 times between them this season and haven’t touched a single pole!

It’s great to have Tim Wilkinson (Eventing Images) as part of the team and yet again he’s captured awesome memories!


© Tim Wilkinson, 2017 Eventing Images on behalf of Alicia Hawker Eventing.